Evaluation compensation

We enhance fairness and reliability through the evaluation process of "Goal setting > Mid-term review > Evaluation > Feedback" and provide reasonable compensation based on fair evaluation and organizational and individual performance. We support employees in continuously developing and demonstrating their abilities by determining promotion and compensation based on job performance and competency, not seniority.
Welfare benefits

Life stability support
- Housing purchase and rental loan support
- College financial aid for children of employees
- Childcare subsidy for joint workplace childcare facilities

Health care support
- Group accident insurance for employees and family
- Support for medical examination expenses for employees and spouses

Support for congratulatory and anniversary events
- Congratulatory and condolatory leave, congratulatory and condolatory money, and supplies for congratulatory and condolatory events
- Temple and founding anniversary gifts
- Birthday and wedding anniversary gifts

Long-term service award
- Granted 4-year sabbatical leave for 5 years of continuous service
- Granted 5-year sabbatical leave for 10 years of continuous service

Leisure life support
- Year-round operation of resorts nationwide
- Support for in-house club activities

Educational support for children of employees
- Tuition support
- Support for education expenses for preschool children